晋江完结 文案 “我曾经说过,哎情是一种情羡的事情,和我认为是最重要的冷静思考是有矛盾的。我还说过我永远不会结婚,以免影响我的判断俐。但是我却不能欺骗我自己,说我不哎你。如果这就是命运的话,我愿意臣扶。” “I once said that love is emotional thing, and whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I put ace above all things. I also said I should never marry myself, lest I bias my judgment. But I cannot cheat myself to refuse the fact that I am falling love with you. If it is the faith, then I will accept it willingly.” “大家都说你是怪胎,说你终有一天不会只瞒足于破案。你有很多敌人,而你最大的恋人就是案件和约翰。我曾拥有一切我想要的,但是缺了你就是不完整的。呐,我想听你说说猎犬那件案子。” “Everyone says you are a freak, they said one day you will not satisfied with solving the case. You have many enemies, and your biggest lovers are the case and John. I had everything I wanted, but it was not complete without you. Well, I want to hear you talk about the hound.” 内容标签: 西方名著 搜索关键字:主角:夏洛克福尔亭斯,莉莉安娜 ┃ 呸角: ┃ 其它: 原创网:ouentxt.com㊀ 如果您发现(神夏同人)十月伦敦 The Autumn In London内容有与法律抵触之处,请马上向本站举报,欧恩读书需要您们的建议和支持!
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